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I'm a Video Designer,

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Wind Music Awards is one of the top events in the italian music scene. It takes place in the Arena of Verona. For the occasion I designed and created some graphics for the scenography that played during the artists performances.


Experia is a series of 12 documentaries founded by Rai EXPO, picturing and digging into the excellences and metamorphosis of the italian landscape. I designed and crafted the opening theme and other infographics for the documentary.

Keys to Rome is an international exhibition that was hosted inside the market of Traiano. I was part of this event and took charge of creating graphic content for 6 videos that played through the entire event.

These videos were designed to guide the spectator through the exhibition with the help of images and written explanations.

Lavori In Corso is a series of documentaries co-founded by Rai3 and Rai EXPO. It analyses the process of realization and construction of the EXPO 2015 in Milan.

I took charge of the creation of some graphic content such as iconographies and 3d renderings.



Tv commercial proposed for Rai EXPO television web channel.

I designed and created the whole commercial.


I designed and crafted pieces of scenery for Rai EXPO studios at EXPO in Milan.


I designed and realized the Rai EXPO animated logo.


Realization of motion graphics for Poste Italiane  (italian mail service) commercial.


Design and realization of the commercial for Freezy, a platform for online music.



Realization of a  commercial for MAXXI, museum of XXI century arts in Rome.


Bios is a short film directed by Grazia Tricarico. I designed and realized the opening titles for the film.

Digital Life 2 was an exhibition that was part of the Roma Europa Festival.

For the occasion i realized 9 interviews and the graphic production included in shooting.


Design and realization of the promo commercial for TEDX event which took place at the MAXXI museum of Rome in 2011.